Kara Valentino Ffield

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Behind-the-Scenes Studio | The Walk In the Woods Collection

I always find the beginning of the new year is a quiet time. Things at home and in the studio seem softer and muffled just as the north wind that whips through the pines throws a blanket over the sharper noises of nature. I move slower, savoring every bit of it. I stop to hear the owls hooting in the woods and the cry of the fox as it calls back to its den. The wintry wilderness knows how to romance and inspire me to create artwork that glorifies its wonders.

As the days slowly grow longer once again, you'll find me in the studio with a cup of Harney & Sons Cinnamon Sunset tea* and classical piano tracks tinkling in the background. My sharpened pencil dots and flicks over the watercolor-stained pages; each new piece, a reflection of my walks in the woods.

Quietly, I'm cultivating a collection of what you wish to see and what you DREAM you'll see venturing outdoors.


Sign up here for first access, and stay tuned for more glimpses of the works as they progress. 

*If you haven't had this tea, please do yourself a favor and go fall in love with it here. This isn’t sponsored…I’m just a huge fan.

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